Moves an Angular application or library to another folder within the workspace and updates the project configuration.
nx generate move ...
nx g mv ... # same
By default, Nx will search for move
in the default collection provisioned in workspace.json
You can specify the collection explicitly as follows:
nx g @nrwl/angular:move ...
Show what will be generated without writing to disk:
nx g move ... --dry-run
Move libs/my-feature-lib to libs/shared/my-feature-lib:
nx g @nrwl/angular:move --project my-feature-lib shared/my-feature-lib
destination (required)
Type: string
The folder to move the Angular project into.
projectName (required)
Alias(es): project
Type: string
The name of the Angular project to move.
Type: string
The new import path to use in the tsconfig.base.json
Default: true
Type: boolean
Update the import path to reflect the new location.